The Sarasohn Public Adjusters Team

Stephen Sarasohn

Bernard Sarasohn

Nathan Sarasohn
Our Story
1706 - The Dawn of the Insurance Industry
The Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office is founded in London, England in 1706 by William Talbot and Sir Thomas Allen. This company provided the basic framework for the insurance industry to follow: clients pool their money to pay for catastrophic losses. The Amicable Society would remain in operation for over 200 years before its eventual absorption by the Commercial Union Assurance Company in 1994.
1752 - The U.S. Gets Insured
Just 46 years after the widely accepted formal founding of the insurance industry in London, the United States founded its very first insurance company - known as The Philadelphia Contributorship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire. Benjamin Franklin was among several prominent cititzens who took part in its founding to address the high quantity of house fires in the city. The Philadelphia Contributorship is also the first insurance entity to dispatch its own disaster response team, sending firefighters equipped with primitive equipment to fight fires for its clients. The company is still in operation today.
1924 - The Early Days
Emmanuel Sarasohn founded Sarasohn & Company Public Adjusters just two years after State Farm, establishing an enduring presence in the earliest days of the insurance industry.